Wednesday, July 31, 2019

All Souls: A Family Story From Southie Essay

A national bestseller, All Souls: A Family Story From Southie (Beacon Press, September 1999), won an American Book Award and a New England Literary Lights Award, as well as the Myers Outstanding Book Award administered by the Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights in North America. With All Souls MacDonald writes a gripping memoir about his life growing up in the Old Colony housing projects in South Boston, a predominantly white Irish Catholic neighborhood. He writes about the crime, drugs and violence in his neighborhood in the years following Boston’s busing riots, and of his brothers and sisters, many of whom fell prey to drugs, crime, and suicide. The book introduces his mother, Helen King (Ma), a feisty woman who raised her ten children while living in the projects. (An eleventh child died in infancy.) Additionally, the book often mentions Whitey Bulger, a gangster and FBI informant in Southie, who brought the drug trade into the neighborhood, contributing to the deaths of hundreds of young people due to suicides, murders, and overdoses. Despite all that is bad, MacDonald writes about how proud and loyal the residents were to be from Southie, excluding MacDonald himself who admits in the book he told those he met that he was from Dorchester and how some of the best elements of the neighborhood have been wiped out along with the worst due to gentrification. Michael Patrick MacDonald (born March 9, 1966) is an Irish-American[1] activist against crime and violence and author of his memoir, All Souls: A Family Story From Southie. Since being involved in activism, he helped to start Boston’s gun-buyback program, founded the South Boston Vigil Group, which works with survivor families and young people in Boston’s anti-violence movement. MacDonald was the recipient of the 1999 Daily Points of Light Award,which honors those who connect Americans through community service. Michael had been awarded an Anne Cox Chambers Fellowship at the MacDowell Colony, a Bellagio Center Fellowship through the Rockefeller Foundation, and residencies at Blue Mountain Center and Djerassi Artist Residency Program. He currently lives in Brooklyn, New York, and devotes all of his time to writing and public speaking on topics ranging from â€Å"Race and Class in America† to â€Å"Trauma, Healing, and Social Change.† MacDonald is Writer in Residence at Northeastern University in Boston.

Marketing James Patterson Books Essay

Over the last decade James Patterson has published an unprecedented number of best-selling books, cemented a powerful brand image amongst a loyal following, and redefined the process by which authors create content to meet reader demand. From November 2000 through June 2003, Patterson had cumulative sales of over six million dollars, trailing only John Grisham during that time frame. He has generated the majority of his sales through a loyal readership that consistently lines up to buy his next installment. Keenly aware of this dedicated following, Patterson successfully sought to augment the proliferation of his titles with co-authors familiar with his brand that could share the workload, creating a virtual assembly-line of best-sellers. Despite this enormous success, the Patterson brand still has a sizeable opportunity for growth. Patterson cites a need to broaden his, relative to other best-selling authors, narrow reader base to capture a greater percentage of the â€Å"omnivorous† readers, amongst whom his brand penetration was much lower. There are two possibilities for Patterson to consider, both involving his relationship with book clubs. The book clubs provide an excellent source of individualized customer information, but have not themselves yielded an enormous amount of profitability for already-established authors such as Patterson. The first option would be to negotiate higher club royalties with the existing book club partnerships. Patterson himself has advocated this approach, citing that the clubs often erode profits from bookstore store sales, and the clubs need him more than he needs the clubs. The second possibility is for Patterson to embrace the book club marketing model, using the club’s customer information to market directly to the customer. Patterson could identify on an individual and international basis the â€Å"omnivorous† reader that has not yet embraced his books. He could then tailor a marketing campaign centered around the promotion of his titles directly to these readers. Recommendation: The first option would not really address the concern about Patterson’s narrow reader base. While it may be true that the club needs Patterson more than he needs the club, it is still a means to reach a broader audience. It seems more likely that Patterson has merely under-used the club channel, which is why the second option would provide a better opportunity for  Patterson to reach a larger target audience. He mentions that he has not yet become a â€Å"badge† author, meaning that he has not been able to break out of his genre and create a â€Å"buzz† across a wide range of readers. He does not yet have the name recognition as some of his best-selling counterparts, and without this name recognition he needs to seek other means to create a buzz for his next title. I would advocate allowing book club members exclusive access to his next release before it is released in book stores or other retail channels. Clubs, with exclusive rights to the pre-released book, would now have incentive to push Patterson as its preeminent selection. This would help create the powerful, and international, word-of-mouth campaign that he is seeking. First, those already loyal to the brand would now have the opportunity to create anticipation amongst other non-club Patterson loyalists, driving demand for its eventual release in stores. Secondly, and more importantly, club members not loyal to the brand would now have an added incentive to sample a Patterson novel. Being granted exclusive access to what promises to be a best-seller might be the impetus necessary to finally penetrate more of the omnivorous readers. Now Patterson would have a broad spectrum of readers across the globe discussing his novel and creating a buzz before it even reaches a mass audience. This is a similar model to the one employed in the movie industry, where movies are pre-released to create a word-of-mouth campaign before its larger release. Patterson notes that the book industry is generally â€Å"unimaginative†, essentially waiting to retroactively replicate the success of the next blockbuster hit. With an exclusive pre-release to a carefully pre-determined list of customers, Patterson would instead be proactively creating a buzz, and potentially, a blockbuster. In terms of channel management, this pre-release should satisfy all members of the channel. Certainly, the book clubs would embrace the idea of being able to market an exclusive release of a Patterson novel, and with exclusive rights, should be able to retain club members for longer commitments. More importantly, this would not have to come at the expense of the retail chains because club members generally would buy books through the club channel anyways. The retail stores, instead, could benefit from the buzz created by club members, as non-club members may now be clamoring to buy the book their friends have already been talking about as soon as it is released in stores. A true blockbuster would increase the size of the â€Å"pie† for all channel members. Channel (2001): Strategic Resources: Patterson: ?Brand name: dominant in crime fiction genre ?Many titles: 3 per year vs. 1 for Clancy, Cornwell ?Cliffhanger endings leave Patterson readers eager for next installment ? Marketing Expertise: Patterson former Chairman of J. Walter Thompson â€Å"Badge† Authors: ?Name recognition: 90% and 84% for Grisham and Clancy (Patterson 54%) ? Broader range of readers ?Books as a status symbols: read these authors to impress others Book Clubs: ?Individualized customer information ?Name-brand authors ?Capable of tracking all book sales and buying behavior Problems: Resources: ?Patterson name not as well known as his book titles ?Relatively narrow range of readers: mainly â€Å"crime fiction addicts† ? Not as much status in reading a Patterson novel ?Relatively small international readership Incentives: ?Book Clubs push authors with highest name recognition? Patterson books might not be promoted as heavily as books from â€Å"badge† authors ? Deals with clubs risk eroding bookstores’ profits ?Club members often terminate contract after commitment is over Coordination: ?Retail stores can only track purchase behavior through surveys Recommendation: ?Pre-release next best-seller prospect with book club members oPre-release gives book, as well as club members, premium status oGenerates a â€Å"buzz† before retail release in domestic and international markets with Patterson loyalists and â€Å"omnivorous† best-seller readers oCreates anticipation to drive demand for purchases at retail stores.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Junk food Essay

Creating a healthier living environment may be able reduce obesity and other things that may occur from drinking sugary drinks. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York City decided in 2012 that he wanted to restrict the amount of purchases on sugary drinks. His idea was to limit the product to being no more than 16 ounces sold at places other than grocery or convenient stores. This ban was scheduled to go in effect in 2013. Could it really make a difference? Many people feel the government should not be allowed take away the people’s freewill to choose how much sugar drinks one should drink, but rather people should have the right to choose, because sugar drinks many not be the cause of obesity. Many people are in debate about this ban to stop the purchase in restaurants and little quick stands of selling nothing over 16 ounces. In the article, â€Å"Junk Food: should the government regulate our intake, it was stated, â€Å"Michael Bloomberg, however, is overreaching with his new plan to ban the sale of sugary drinks larger than sixteen ounces, He argues that prohibiting big drinks at restaurants, movie theaters, stadiums, and other food sellers can help combat obesity. But as he admits, customers can get around the ban by purchasing two drinks (page 582). Meaning if one decides he or she wants more of a sugary drink, a person can always purchase another cup or bottle of 16 ounces at any given time to get around the ban. With ways to get around this ban the control of sugary drinks is not helpful and will not stop obesity. Another author (Mr. Gary Taustine) states, â€Å"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s effort to promote healthier life-styles is commendable, but the government has no right whatsoever to go beyond promotion to enforcement. You can’t reduce obesity with smaller cups any more than you can reduce gun violence with smaller bullets†. (Page 582) Next, by trying to ban the sale of 16 ounce sugar drinks in places other than stores takes away from the choice of free will. Mr. Daniel Lieberman states, â€Å"People have certain rights, this argument goes, including the rights to drinks lots of soda, to eat junk food, to gain weight, and to avoid exercise†(page585). People should have the right to freewill. Freewill is the ability or discretion to choose; free choice. As human society a person should be allowed to choose how much he or she wants  to drink without any lim its. This is because it is going his or her body not the government’s. Another factor that people need to look into is genetics. According to the, some obesity comes from the people’s genetic makeup. The doctors like to call this the family history. Families with a history of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and etc, are proven to have more obesity in their family. Therefore, the cause is genetic. Some start the trend by the rich calorie intake they consume. Some people may do everything to try to cut back on obesity. Some are successful and others follow their genetic makeup. However, the fact that limiting the sale of 16 ounce sugar drinks will not cut down on obesity. It is proven that some people just have obesity in their genes. It is understood why the government would like to cut back on obesity. Mark Bittman feels the government needs to educate the people. He feels if people cut the cost on healthy foods and raise prices on junk foods or sugary drinks, that this will save money in the long run. By cutting cost on healthier foods and making them more economic, people will buy more and less of junk foods and sugary drinks. He argues that if the cost is better for foods that are healthy it will cut back on obesity and save in health care cost in the long run. Right now, it appears that the unhealthy foods are more economic and easier to choose. This is why so many people are obese. He feels that people will be able to make better c hoices if the prices were lowered. Finally, he feels that it is the government responsibility for public health. By cutting back on sugary drinks being sold in restaurants and other places, such as movies and concession stands, it will not stop obesity or cut down on the risk. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is all for a healthier living life style. The people of New York is note not doubting this at all, but to think that he can cut down on obesity by limiting the amount of ounces sold is not the way to go. As there are many ways to get around this ban. Especially, if the restaurants has free refills, this may be difficult to monitor. It may also be a bit of an inconvenience as well to the people. This is because they will have to spend more for a product that they are custom to by having to buy more amounts of the product, instead of one bigger cup or bottle. People have the right to choose how much they want to intake. The government should not be allowed to limit the consumption of sugary drinks, because it is the  people’s right to freewill. Serving smaller cups does not cut down on obesity because sometimes obesity is genetic. Therefore, having a healthier lifestyle may help with obesity, but enforcing a drink ban on sixteen ounce sugary drinks will not be effective. Work Cited Sylvan, Barnet & Bedau, Hugo editor Adam Whitehurts, Harold Chester and Karen S. Henry Current Issues and Enduring Questions 10 edition Bedford/St. Martin’s , 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005 Chapter 22 Junk Food: Should the Government Regulate our Intake? Anonymous Editorial, New York Times June 1, 2012 (page 582) Mark Bitterman, New York Times Essay reprint form July 24, 2011 (page 587) Daniel Liberman, New York Times June 6, 2012 (page 585) Gary Taustine, New York Times, June 1, 2012 (page 583), Article written January 19, 2010 , March 22, 2014

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evita Peron Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evita Peron - Essay Example She was the wife of Argentine president Juan Peron from 1946 to 1952 when she succumbed to cancer. Evita is considered as one of the most powerful women during the 1940s to 1950s; an era which was characterized by serious discrimination of women in different societies. Being the only woman with power to question and to rule during those times automatically rendered her much fame compared to other women. Other researches by Historians reveal that she was more powerful than male leaders, her husband inclusive. Fraser and Navarro, in their book, Evita: the Real Life of Eva Peron, explore the life of Eva from her birth in Argentina, Los Toldos 1919 May, 17 to the time of her death and burial as a First Lady, the wife of the Argentine leader (Nicholas & Navarro 94). Eva’s actions and steps give vivid review of the kind of a woman she was during her time. The first reason that shows that the woman had more power than other women and some men in the society is the issue of the Nazi a nd Argentina relationship during the cold war. Eva offered hiding places, in Argentina, to the Nazi people. This is an indication of the power the woman had. She managed to influence most of the Argentine government, including her husband to allow the Nazis hide within their territory. This implies her daring and brave character of taking risks. It was obvious that the Nazi enemies would have reacted by waging war against them, in case they discovered their decision. The end of the Second World War initiated and triggered powerful democratic tides on the street in different cities such as Buenos Aires threatening to Swamp Peron (Fraser and Navarro 34). The book reveals that Peron’s soldiers became angry because of his excess or total dependence on his wife for support; they forced him to resign because of this. This, analyzed, portrayed the amount of power that the woman had. She had a lot of influence on her husband, making the soldiers become angry (Nicholas & Navarro 34). The anger by the soldiers was due to the tradition that women had less power compared to their male counterparts. Their beliefs and stereotyping of women as powerless individuals forced them to terminate the closeness of the president to his wife. They went ahead and forced him to resign from the seat of vice presidency. Eva, seeing this, took the opportunity and used her persuasion power to rally support for her husband calling for his allies or friends in the worker’s union, military, and the police department. This led to riots in Casa Rosada giving the couple leeway to flee the city (Nicholas & Navarro 43). The navy discovered their hidden cottage and went to arrest them. Eva, on seeing this, went out of furiously out of control with anger and rage, and forced them to take away her husband, but left her behind. The reason why they left her had been the question and the debate of many Historians in Europe and the entire globe. Reliable and trustworthy sources like Fraser a nd Navarro, in their book, state an interpretation of this that it was the strange ego and brevity of the woman that scared them. Others would ask why they decided to take the husband. Was the husband not strong enough to defend himself? From the above illustrations, it is evident and undoubtedly true that Evita is exercising charismatic type of authority on the people. Her authority and power is not only derived from her position in the Argentine government as the First Lady, but also from her brevity and daring nature. The action of facing the soldiers with anger and fury is an indication that she is a brave woman who is ready to approach the male soldiers without fear. Besides, she is the only woman in the entire Argentina who has shown a lot of power and influence on the governance and ruling of her husband. Rational

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stress and Academic Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stress and Academic Stress - Essay Example e stressful events that have inclined experts to consider stress as one of the major causes of deaths globally, as nowadays, stress is resulting in high blood pressure, headache, mental disorder, etc. In the result, a huge number of researchers are now putting efforts to analyze different factors of stress, in order to implicate their solutions to deal effectively with it. It is observation that youth or specifically, students are becoming the foremost victims of this phenomenon. Psychologists (Peffer, pp. 51-57) believe that extra load of studies and pressure of examinations has been some of the significant factors that put students in stress during their academic lives. In contrary to the motive of education, today’s students are endeavoring to acquire education to get good marks or grades in the examination that will ensure their job in the market. This pressure of failure and losing chances of getting a good job has resulted in experts to focus more on students. Nowadays, many organizations are offering stress therapies to young individuals that may help them in managing effectively with the stress. However, besides therapies, I believe that study techniques play a crucial role in the phenomenon of stress, and a student can avoid or reduce stress levels by planning and applying study schedules prior to examinations. It is an understanding that students usually do not study on daily basis, and examination schedules only bring them to the study tables that automatically showers a huge list of topics and subjects that becomes the cause of stress. In this regard, proper planning for studying surely makes a huge difference, and is beneficial in avoiding any effects of academic stress. In brief, water is another source that helps in dealing with stressors effectively. Thus, heavy intake of water during the whole day is another efficient way of staying healthier, and away from stress. In addition to study techniques, experts have identified and introduced four

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Course Pak Articles Spring 2013 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Course Pak Articles Spring 2013 - Term Paper Example This holding environment is of great importance for lesbians in the society in the sense that it acts as a therapeutic holding environment. In this environment, a lot of healing and progress takes place and hence it acts as a safe psychological place for therapy. In these holding environments, deep connections are established where unconscious communication can be established. This is as determined by scharff and scharff in the year 1991(Sussal, (n.d). In the social context, the approach used by the author in couple’s therapy is with psychoanalytical approaches. In the psychoanalytical approaches, stresses affecting the lesbian couples are addressed with regard to their past and the present. This approach is effective in the sense that the problems facing the lesbian couples are addressed at their roots and hence workable solutions are determined. The use of the psychoanalytical approach to couples therapy is effective to the lesbian couples because lesbian couples are more likely to be exposed to social discriminations as they go about their lives. Hence, this form of therapy according to the author is effective in curing cases of homophobia among lesbians, which is considered a sickness (Sussal, (n.d). Couple’s therapy with lesbians employs the use of repressed ego systems. The use of repressed ego systems has improved the relations between lesbian couples. This is because it assists couples in overcoming the fears intimacy because of experiences of rejection and frustration. Fairburn determined this theory in the year 1954 in what was known as anti-libidinal ego. This theory determined that split off ego is resident in the unconscious and affects how lesbians relate to each other as a couple and towards the outside world (Sussal, (n.d). Sex therapy is inclusive as part of couple’s therapy with lesbians. This is because just as is the case with heterosexuals, lesbians have their share of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dynamics of Managerial Accounting Process Research Paper

Dynamics of Managerial Accounting Process - Research Paper Example The research will focus on practical solutions that are dynamic to cater for structural weaknesses in an organization’s management and communication of information. Dynamics of an organization’s management provides for a comprehensive introduction of constraints to managerial accounting and decision-making efficiency in profit and non-profit oriented organizations. Organizations are desperately in need of a supportive and fully integrated accounting system that enables efficient communication of accounting information for vital managerial decision-making. Changes in management accounting take place in a variety of dimensions that are of an irregular nature. However, organizations need to adapt their management accounting tasks, techniques, skills, and tools to the relevant dynamics. The study seeks to analyze management accounting practices to come up with functional solutions in adopting the continual changes concerning the practice. Solutions need to influence managem ent accountants to advance and adopt their practices to be able to relate management accounting to information flow that is wider within the organization. Nevertheless, current dynamics depict shifts from financial accounting practices to those oriented to commerce. However, irrespective of the dynamics, the study recognizes that traditional managerial accounting practices such as cost control, interpretation of operational information, and management budgeting remain essential. The research seeks to represent continuous improvement of managerial accounting with the necessity of adopting a broad view of commerce. Study expectations are directed towards the adoption of non-financial measures where users are able to integrate both non-financial and financial measures into planned strategic activities. Study expectations to solutions also require that managers should embrace ethics in carrying out their day-to-day tasks besides developing quality leadership skills. On the other hand, f uture managerial accounting techniques and tools are expected to be activity-based and forward-looking. The study would also reveal value creation tools that appear to be important for future managerial accounting. Review of Literature Managerial Accounting Dynamics According to Hopwood and Chapman (2009, p. 1222), the manners in which organizations manage various dimensions of change bring about significant implications for managerial accounting dynamics and innovations to changing perspectives. The organization has to understand different types of changes such as predictable and unpredictable, controllable and non-controllable, evolutionary and revolutionary, and comprehensive and incremental among many other types. An understanding of the various types of changes is not only good for organizations, but also a necessity to achieving efficient management. Managerial accounting process is dynamic in nature just like the world dynamics, in order for users of accounting information to remain relevant in future and the present day dynamics the organization needs to have a thorough understanding of the existing change dynamics. Managerial accounting dynamics necessitate organizations to spend resources on solution alternatives to enable standardization of existing accounting tools, skills, and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The importance of Spiritual Care in the Nursing Practice Essay

The importance of Spiritual Care in the Nursing Practice - Essay Example Through nurse education, students can develop spiritual self-awareness and be more apt to provide sensitive, spiritual care for other as they advance through development as a nurse (Shores, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to identify the importance of nurse education on spiritual care. Using critical inquiry, I will identify personal beliefs, assumptions and meaning on the subject while analyzing the importance of this care in practice. My spiritual development has been ongoing and will continue to be a component of my nurse education. I recognize that before I can begin to address the spiritual needs of patients’, I first need to address my own. I identify spirituality is an inner path enabling me as a person to discover my deepest values and beliefs; the ones in which I live by. Although I am not Christian, I continue to explore my spirituality and beliefs through Catholicism. I believe in one God made up of three persons and that Jesus Christ is his son. I believe the b ible is The Word of God written by men inspired by him. I believe in his virtues of honesty, truthfulness, respect, compassion, love, joy and more. I am a spiritual person inspired by his righteousness to be the best that I can be to do good as a person. In nurse education patient-care is much more than disease management; it involves the needs of the whole person; mind, body and soul. Addressing the patients’ spirituality should be a routine part of nursing care for many reasons. The first being that, religious beliefs and spiritual needs are common amongst patients, second, spiritual beliefs influence medical decisions, third, there is a relationship between spirituality and health, and the last, supporting a patients’ spirituality can enrich the nurse-patient relationship. Spiritual development is an ongoing, component of overall learning. Identifying student perspectives of these areas of spirituality can further their educational journey (Shores, 2010) Students ca n incorporate spirituality into their practice by assessing their personal values, beliefs. By doing so students are able to identify their own personal biases and assumptions and by incorporating a knowledge base of ethical practices outline by their institutions, legislation and professional practice guidelines. Ultimately, incorporating spiritual care in a patients practice can be identified by taking a patient’s history. Spiritual history gives insight to a patients’ value and belief systems and can be helpful identify spiritual distress. Spiritual history recognizes patients’ sources of hope, strength and comforts in the healing environment. Spirituality is generic Spirituality in nursing has two sides to it. One, spirituality observed by the nurse and the other, spiritual inclination of the patient. Therefore, a nurse has not only to be spiritual but also respectful of the religious beliefs of her patients. Only then, spirituality in nursing becomes wholes ome. It is strange that while religiousness is associated with well-being in health, nursing discourse involved in health care, has not attached much importance to spirituality that is concomitant with

Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning Research Paper

Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning - Research Paper Example Strategic Mission Statement The mission of Holden Trucking Services is to be preferred trucking firm by being able to deliver the most affordable, high quality and efficient trucking services to the customers. According to Radhakrishnan (2001), trucking services form a very important part of the supply chain for many business and it is critical that it is efficient in terms of service as well as cost. This is what Holden Trucking Services will seek to be doing, that is, provide efficient and reliable services to customers at affordable prices. In its growth outlook, Holden Trucking Services looks to serve the African market. The African market is the most underserved market in this sector of the global economy. Africa is expected to be next big economy in the next twenty years. According to market experts, the current fast growing markets such as India and China will have reached their optimum growth by the year 2050. At the current moment, every firm including trucking firms are con centrating their foreign market growth in the BRICS market. As the African market is being ignored, it is going to be easy for Holden Trucking Services to establish itself as the trucking firm of choice and be able to take advantage when the opportune e time comes. The African market is already a ripe market and is underserved and even without having to wait for the opportunities time. Most African countries don’t have dependable trucking services of their own and therefore depend on foreign firms. None of these foreign firms have been gracious enough to offer localised trucking services. This means that the services are too expensive for the local African market. The services are also inefficient and not dependable especially where time of delivery is critical. Holden Trucking Services will be the trucking firm to fill this gap to make sure that the local market is well served. Marketing Plan Holden Trucking Services will reach the market by personalising the services. The m arket will be divided into smaller cells with each cell being given as much autonomy as possible. This will make sure that every area can be served individually and this will increase the quality of the service to the customers. Holden Trucking Services will also seek to be a low-price leader. The modern trucking business is too expensive for most customers an this always has a negative implication of the customers because most of the customers are businesses which would benefit a lot if they could find a cheaper way to deliver their goods so that they can expand their profit margins (Kendall, 2005). Offering low prices and high quality of service to the customer will be an easy way to enter in the market and Holden Trucking Services seeks to use this as a way to make sure that it curves a market share for itself. Segmentation of the Market Holden Trucking Services will seek to serve the underserved market. Such underserved market include the small scale businesses which usually can not afford to have their own trucks but at the same time find trucking services prohibitively high. In this regard, to be able to serve this market, Holden Trucking Services will use two main strategies. First, it will include smaller trucks rather than having only large trucks. These smaller trucks will help in making sure that the firm is able to dispatch customer’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Anti-Discrimination Law in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Anti-Discrimination Law in the UK - Essay Example What has the provisions of this Act imply to organizations? In the performance of its functions, a firm must pay special cognizance to three aspects covered by or under the Act (Rivers, 2012): 1. Avoid and eliminate any conduct that has the effect of constituting harassment, victimization, discrimination or any other prohibited conduct 2. Culture equality for every persons who share the ‘protected characteristics’ and those who do not with regard to opportunities 3. Encourage proper relations amongst individuals with the relevant protected characteristics and also those who do not Section 71 of the Act regards discrimination against sex in relation to pay. Section 77 refers to discrimination through the discussions over terms of pay. Section 78 provides regulations on gender pay gap (, 2010).These sections have gone some way to strengthening the statutory enforcement of equal pay between men and women within public entities. However, government†™s failure to enact one of these three critical provisions may ultimately hamper the effectiveness of the Act. In analysing the aforementioned sectional provisions and assessing their potential impact in combatting discrimination with regard to employment, it is imperative to understand first what variables are prevalent in laws on societal equality (Rivers, 2012).The mystery that is equality rests within the (misconception in) Western political tradition that views equality as a fundamental and universal moral characteristic of human beings; of equal dignity and worth (Dworkin, 2002). It stretches beyond the Aristotelian definition of a purely formal existence, which postulates that likes be treated similarly, and differences proportionately. Most importantly is the acknowledgement of the uniqueness of human beings. Therefore, equality would intimate that people be valued both in their uniqueness and similarities. Firstly, we address the object variable which answers the question , ‘what exactly is subject to the equality principle?’ This is easily answerable at a highly abstract level. All humans being equal in rights and dignity deserve equal respect and concern. However, in practice this presents a fairly complex ideal covering not only civil and political rights but a myriad of welfare, opportunity and resources. John Rawls identified within his justice theory two principles of equality in which the justification of differences was only valid should they benefit the least well-off and related to positions held under fair opportunities. These were equality of liberty and that of fundamental (basic) social goods. Secondly, the characteristic variable, which defines who the recipient(s) of the principle are and why they merit such special treatment. Article 14 of the European Convention of Human rights states that all rights should be enjoyed by all regardless of distinction. Initially and subsequent to this proclamation, there was much resista nce towards identifying specific benchmarks that merit special attention. Presently, practical concerns aimed at addressing ingrained bias and social exclusion have developed into a rallying cry for equality as a human right-born out of Civil Rights movements (Rivers, 2012).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Employee Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employee Relations - Assignment Example It offers all technical, professional and operational support employees for the hospital. Services being offered include; cleaning, security, estate maintenance, porterage, catering and car park management. Workers in the unions available are approximately 60 percent; they have memberships in GMB, TGWU and Unison. Due to the recession, the government fiscal policy and budget deficit is likely to cut the Trusts funds by 10 percent. The government policy has also provided for the emergence of other healthcare providers in the area. The expectations of the government is to see the Trust increase the number of patients that are seen, improve the service quality, effectiveness and efficiency. In order to meet the required target with a constraint budget, the Trust has been forced to offer competitive tender which has led to outsourcing of its services. The internal departments have been offered service contracts and in turn it has translated into providence of better value for money and the retaining of in house service. The relationship between the workers of the Trust and the unions is quite fair and there are 2 regular monthly meetings between the management and the union. The government in the past has brought changes that have elicited negative response from the staff. The aim of the organization is to offer good information to its staff regarding the government policy changes. There has been gradual development of communication policies by the hospital management and this has led to the improvements of staff feedback through the staff attitude survey. The survey evaluates the medical staff confidence in the top management. The support staffs presently works in groups of between 4 and 6 and this is dependent on their roles; there is a supervisor assigned for each of the groups. These groups are permanently assigned to the various departments within the hospital. The groups operate on a rotating 8 hours shift pattern; the number of shifts in a day is

Monday, July 22, 2019

El Filibusterismo Essay Example for Free

El Filibusterismo Essay Thirteen years after leaving the Philippines, Crisostomo Ibarra returns as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue-tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. He cynically sides with the upper classes, encouraging them to commit abuses against the masses to encourage the latter to revolt against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime. His two reasons for instigating a revolution are at first, to rescue Marà ­a Clara from the convent and second, to get rid of ills and evils of Philippine society. His true identity is discovered by a now grown-up Basilio while visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa, as Simoun was digging near the grave site for his buried treasures. Simoun spares Basilio’s life and asks him to join in his planned revolution against the government, egging him on by bringing up the tragic misfortunes of the latters family. Basilio declines the offer as he still hopes that the country’s condition will improve. Basilio, at this point, is a graduating medical student at the Ateneo Municipal. After the death of his mother, Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother, Crispà ­n, Basilio heeded the advice of the dying boatman, Elà ­as, and traveled to Manila to study. Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after Marà ­a Clara entered the convent. Simoun, for his part, keeps in close contact with the bandit group of Kabesang Tales, a former cabeza de barangay who suffered misfortunes at the hands of the friars. He was forced to give everything he had owned to the greedy, unscrupulous Spanish friars and the Church. Before joining the bandits, Tales took Simoun’s revolver while Simoun was staying at his house for the night. As payment, Tales leaves a locket that once belonged to Marà ­a Clara. To further strengthen the revolution, Simoun has Quiroga, a Chinese man hoping to be appointed consul to the Philippines, smuggle weapons into the country using Quiroga’s bazaar as a front. Simoun wishes to attack during a stage play with all of his enemies in attendance. He, however, abruptly aborts the attack when he learns from Basilio that Marà ­a Clara had died earlier that day in the convent. A few days after the mock celebration by the stu dents, the people are agitated when disturbing posters are found displayed around the city. The authorities accuse the students present at the panciterà ­a of agitation and disturbing peace and has them arrested. Basilio, although not present at the mock celebration, is  also arrested. Captain Tiago dies after learning of the incident. But before he dies he signs a will. His will originally states that Basilio should inherit all his property but due to this forgery his property is given in parts, one to Santa Clara, one for the archbishop, one for the Pope, and one for the religious orders leaving nothing for Basilio to be inherited. Basilio is left in prison as the other students are released. Basilio is soon released with the help of Simoun. Basilio, now a changed man, and after hearing about Julà ®s suicide, finally joins Simoun’s revolution. Simoun then tells Basilio his plan at the wedding of Paulita Gà ³mez and Juanito, Basilio’s hunch-backed classmate. His plan was to conceal an explosive which contains nitroglycerin inside a pomegranate-styled Ker osene lamp that Simoun will give to the newlyweds as a gift during the wedding reception. According to Simoun, the lamp will stay lighted for only 20 minutes before it flickers; if someone attempts to turn the wick, it will explode and kill everyone—important members of civil society and the Church hierarchy—inside the house. Basilio has a change of heart and attempts to warn Isagani, his friend and the former boyfriend of Paulita. Simoun leaves the reception early as planned and leaves a note behind: Initially thinking that it was simply a bad joke, Father Salvà ­ recognizes the handwriting and confirms that it was indeed Ibarra’s. As people begin to panic, the lamp flickers. Father Irene tries to turn the wick up when Isagani, due to his undying love for Paulita, bursts in the room and throws the lamp into the river, sabotaging Simouns plans. He escapes by diving into the river as guards chase after him. He later regrets his impulsive action because he had contradicted his own belief that he loved his nation more than Paulita and that the explosion and revolution could have fulfilled his ideals for Filipino society. Simoun, now unmasked as the perpetrator of the attempted arson and failed revolution, becomes a fugitive. Wounded and exhausted after he was shot by the pursuing Guardia Civil, he seeks shelter at the home of Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle, and comes under the care of doctor Tiburcio de Espadaà ±a, Doà ±a Victorinas husband, who was also hiding at the house. Simoun takes poison in order for him not to be captured alive. Before he dies, he reveals his real identity to Florentino while they exchange thoughts about the failure of his revolution and why God forsook him, when all he wanted was to avenge the people important to him that were wronged, such as Elias,  Maria Clara and his father, Don Rafael. Florentino opines that God did not forsake him and that his plans were not for the greater good but for personal gain. Simoun, finally accepting Florentino’s explanation, squeezes his hand and dies. Florentino then takes Simoun’s remaining jewels and throws them into the Pacific Ocean with the corals hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and that when the time came that it would be used for the greater good.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Corporate Social Responsibility is the means by which a company justifies their existence in order to gain success by showing an interest in taking care of the people and the communities that surround them. Corporate Social Responsibility has the purpose of giving to the society as a whole, an impact that is positive which ensures that it is sustainable for quite some time. The hospitality industry should tightly uphold Corporate Social Responsibility which is also referred to as social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that the society is up to date with events that take place in the society. The society consists of the shareholders to the companies and hence if the society benefits they benefit too. Corporate Social Responsibility helps the companies to create a good image to the public and hence market themselves. Recently so many students are taking hospitality courses, and research carried out has shown that they have come to know about the industry through Corporate Social Responsibility. Most of the students are studying about management of hospitalism. The hospitalism industry requires understanding with a high level of skills in order to deal with the management strategies that are required. The hospitality industry also attracts many people because of the hefty pay that employees get. This industry has many business people running different firms in it. Majority of the people who are in this firms do not look at the industry as being sustainable, and hence they make their short term profits and leave the damage to the society, this has greatly spoilt the image of the industry to the society. These firms should be responsible about the environment if they want the industry to sustain itself through conservation of resources. This way they should be in a position to take care of the pollution that they cause and the waste released to the environment that is toxic. Companies that have upheld corporate social responsibility are doing very well in the market because the society wants to support the companies so that they can continue to do good for the society. Corporate Social Responsibility is about conducting business according to the code of ethics that are laid down for the industry. The society has expectations from the hospitality industry, and it is only fair that they should be met. Corporate Social Responsibility makes the firms in the hospitality industry to strictly obey the laid out rules so that they do not cause damage to the society. However the laws and policies set by the government need to be good to effect Corporate Social Responsibility. So many brands are widely known because of the place where they are produced, which can be in another country or continent for example people believe that items manufactured in the United Kingdom are of a better quality than those produced in African countries. The sales strategy that some companies use to advertise their products has enabled them to be known in the whole globe. Thus Corporate Social Responsibility is the way to recognition for many companies if they want to be known globally. These firms in the hospitality industry are assessed on their financial strengths using the financial statements. The financial position of a company determines how much the brand is going to be recognized. Hospitality companies with high capital tend to attract so many shareholders because the shareholders have trust in the survival of the company and hence they love to be associated with such a company. Above all things the environment is the focus of every company especially those in the hospitality industry. A conducive environment is important for the hospitality industry because it ensures a good regulation for the weather. With so many hospitality companies neglecting the negative effect that   they are subjecting the environment to ,they are hence   encouraged to look for other companies in the hospitality industries that they can group up with so that they can be able to address the negative impact on the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility helps in the overriding of firms in the hospitality industry. The name that a company carries to the public has always proven to be an asset that is valuable. The other thing that has proven important is the value of the brand. With these two aspects Corporate Social Responsibility comes in place to assist in creating a good name for the company or the firm it makes the customers to have trust in the company and also construct loyalty among the employees and even the shareholders. Majority of hospitality companies express corporate social responsibility by making a contribution to causes that are good in the society. The hospitality industry should be in a position to put into consideration equality in respect to gender in order to avoid discrimination at work. The employees in this industry need to be very well trained to ensure that they are in a position to serve clients well. Corporate Social Responsibility helps to take care of some employees who are often vulnerable to discrimination such as the immigrants and people who are physically incapacitated. The hospitality industry needs people who love to work in the industry, this is because it helps them in their hiring of employees for the reason that as much as the salary is good employees want to work for companies that have the interests of the community by being able to help decrease the levels of poverty that are being experienced by some countries. Corporate social responsibility helps to motivate stuff and make them want to continue working in the industry. Many hospitality companies who have engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility events ensure that they include the activities in the company reports that are prepared annually. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) wants to create standards that will apply to hospitality and other companies that will ensure their involvement in the corporate social responsibilities. These standards once created will help in the conversation of the environment. The hospitality industry deals a lot with the lifestyles that people live. It is however supported by tourists and hence it is important to create a good name for itself in order attract more customers. The hospitality industry is encouraged to offer services that the customers demand from them. Corporate social responsibility prevents the hospitality industry from embezzling funds. Millennium hotel group UK contribution to CSR Since the world travel and tourism council released reports on   the contribution that the   hospitality industry   to the economy in form of the high revenues that they fetch for the country, the participation in corporate social responsibilities is almost inevitable. The millennium groups of hotels have learnt to merge focus of the business with ethics that are highly integrated to responsibilities. They have also come to the realization that, when the societies are involved in the hotels operations, they help them to gain leadership behaviors that guide them in managing their small businesses and most of all they have helped the society acquire styles of leadership that are sustainable. The millennium hotels in the events of promoting the corporate social responsibilities have been able to interact with communities from different backgrounds. They have interacted well and made some of the best relationships that are cross sectored and across the various cultures at the same time. The creation of such relationships helps in sharing ideas that are good for business. This ideas help the organizations know what is expected on the inside of the hotel management and even on the outside. Also about leadership, they learn how to transform the various styles of leadership that they use to suite them. Some of the benefits that the millennium hotels have got are that they are able to know some of the factors that are ultimate for dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility. The millennium hotels have also been able to carry campaigns which are encouraging the other business that in the hospitality industry to get involved in helping the society move forward. The millennium hotels have been able to learn the gains that accrue to them because they have created a brand name for themselves globally and have also been assisted in carrying out their ways of marketing the products that they offer. They have been in the front line as far as the protection of the environment is concerned because they have very developed systems of disposing off the wastes from their premises. They have helped to shape the society regarding ethics that people should uphold. They have taught the society that offering help at the right time is important and one should help where he or she can. There are some industries that offer help when it is too late and this makes development very expensive. The millennium hotels are among the top in the list among Corporates that have been involved greatly in the corporate social responsibilities. The millennium hotels have been offering corporate social responsibilities for a long time now and hence they have a lot of knowledge as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. They are therefore good in dealing with challenges that come as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. The millennium hotels have created partnership with some agricultural corporations to help in the production of foods that are quality and that fetch the country a lot of revenue. Also so that the hotels can have a diversification in foods that they offer which are not commonly found in other hotels. The agricultural industry faces a lot of challenges as far as climate is concerned and hence in order to ensure there is food security in the United Kingdom. The millennium hotels help them by offering trainings for them that help them to use the best agricultural practices to enable them use irrigation and help in the storage of water in the soil. The millennium hotels encourage conservation of resources by offering funds to create awareness to the public not to waste resources that are available such as water and gas because that helps to save a lot of money. Besides partnering in agricultural industry they have also participated in the summits which are about conservation of energy. Some businesses in the private and public sector are said to be consuming a lot of energy in the processing of their products and hence they are being encouraged to come up with ways that help in the conservation of the same. The millennium hotels have done a commendable job in Corporate Social Responsibility and were recently given an award in the global corporate social responsibility summit and awards for helping and participating in helping the society grow. They have helped the society to solve some of the problems that they can handle. This is very good for their image because people get to learn about them and recommend the hotels to friends or tourists visiting United Kingdom from other countries. They have also paid a lot of concern on the climate change issue which is caused by global warming. The millennium hotels are willing to support campaigns on climate by getting the government to make new policies that are on companies that cause degradation of the environment. The millennium hotels are also on the fore front in addressing issues concerning human rights violations especially of the employees who work in the hospitality industry. There have been cases of violations for rights concerning employees joining the trade unions. Some of the big hotels in the United Kingdom did not want the employees to join the trade unions so that some of the issues that need to be addressed can be looked at. Stakeholders involvement to CSR of hospitality industry. The stakeholders of the hospitality industry has played a big part in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility by   ensuring that the manner in which it is conducted, is fair to all persons in the society. The stakeholders have helped to reduce the rates of pollution on the environment. They have also helped in providing solutions to the problems that were facing the environment. They have helped the companies to translate the theories which are related to corporate social responsibility to practice. They have helped in the application of good leadership in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have also helped the hospitality industry to use innovation which in order to keep with the changing times as the technology continues to advance. The advancement in technology helps it to be sustainable. The stakeholders help in the preservation of cultures and some of the tradition which act as tourism attraction. The stakeholders have also helped in the conservation of water catchment areas and valleys that are important for tourism. The hospitality industry contributes to the economic growth of the country in a very big way. The stakeholders have helped countries to see that they follow and meet their mission. The stakeholders help to connect the industry internationally and hence making the businesses grow. The stakeholders in the hospitality industry ensure that the employees undergo intensive training because the hospitalism industry is more about public relations. The stakeholders are very concerned about the working conditions that the workers work in and also about the level of dedication that the workers have towards their work. The stakeholders are also concerned about the kind of equipments that the workers use in order to deliver quality services. The stakeholders help in reaching at a decision that is suitable for the industry or about giving suggestion that would help in providing quality services. All this is aimed at improving the corporate social responsibility towards the employees in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have not at any point stopped to support the hospitality industry and that is why majority of companies and business are taking responsibilities of the environment and also of the society. Research carried out, about   the hospitality industry regarding corporate social responsibility   show that it can integrate well with tourism. Some of the areas that are conserved for use by the hospitality industry to attract tourists are done by the permission from the stakeholders with an agreement of making them to be part of the projects that they carry out. The hospitality industry is also integrated with the media industry because of the advertisements that are carried out about the industry. The industry helps in the development of the communities that are around areas that have tourist attraction sites. The hospitality industry is being challenged to construct communities that are stronger for the changing generations where things are done in a different way than they are normally run. The stakeholders offer a lot of help when it comes to long term business partnerships. The stakeholders look at advancing the corporate social responsibilities in order to have an impact on the community and also help make changes in peoples lives that would not have been able to do make it in life without a little help. The stakeholders encourage the public to get involved in volunteerism so that the public can be able to understand how the concept of corporate social responsibility works. Volunteerism helps give people an insight about life and makes them ready to always help. The spirit of helping and giving should be included in the school curriculum because majority of student do not understand what volunteerism is all about. People who have worked as volunteers at any point in their life make very good managers and hardly embezzle funds from the company. The hospitality industry is surrounded by compassionate people   who love to travel and are ready to learn the diverse cultures that the world has to offer, that is why hospitality   courses integrate very well with corporate social responsibility. The stakeholders like to work with leaders who are ready to listen to suggestions that people have because sometimes they turn out better than anything that they would have come up with. The stakeholders best know the areas in the society that need to be given attention by the corporate world such as the hospitality industry. The stakeholders write proposals to the business in the hospitality industry to guide them on projects that they should undertake which make changes in the society. The stakeholders ensure that they follow up with their proposals because when they go through they are called upon to undertake the projects. Majority of the projects are usually community based projects and hence every person in the society is entitled to the services that are going to be provided. Theories that support corporate social responsibility There are theories that support Corporate Social Responsibility. These theories help in guiding companies about the responsibilities that they should have. Mostly the theories have an impact on the society, the economy of a country and last but not least the environment in which we live in. The theories that influence corporate social responsibility are Clarkson theory, stakeholder theory and the shareholder theory. The stakeholder theory is about the stakeholders of the company who own of the company in their own way because without them then the company would not be in existence since they greatly contribute. This theory talks about recognizing them and making them feel important so that they can greatly support the company. The hospitality industry needs to put the stakeholders into consideration because they help in marketing, by recommending the products to new customers. This theory is all about the business ethics that should be adhered to. The stakeholders are the basis for a company when compared to the stockholders. However this theory faces contradictions based on the use of the profits that companies make. The argument behind is that whether the gains made by the company should be given first be given to the stockholders. The extension of the companies responsibilities to the society who are not stockholders or stakeholders is very important. The stakeholder theory besides considering the non stockholders to the companies also considers the employees to the companies, the communities that are localized, the institutions that are responsible for offering finances to the public in form of loans the customers and finally the organizations who are given tenders to supply goods and services to the hospitality industry. The stakeholder theory helps the company and industry managers to be able in to enter into the business environment that is bigger. It also teaches them to know the various ways of taking care of business and effect procedures that are important to the stakeholders. It also helps the managers to make major decisions about the company and think through about the impact that such decisions will have on the people in the society or all the stakeholders. This theory is dynamic because it gives room for changes in the companies and the companies will also need to adapt to these changes. However, when the company makes it a priority to increase the wealth of the stockholders, the stakeholders to the company can become sidelined and this not good for business. The stakeholder theory says that it is not ethical to fail putting into consideration the stakeholders interests. Companies who overlook the stakeholders look at the benefits of the company in a short term manner compared to the companies who look at making or getting benefits that are long term for sustainability. This theory says that it does not matter whether the company is in business for a long term period or a short one because either way they are supported by the society. Stakeholder theory helps corporations to define their reasons for existent and what they really are. It helps to analyze that, the companies exist because of the shareholders that they have. It says that with this aim the company surely prospers. Companies and industries are viewed as large organization even if they are not big enough because of the social integration that they have with the society. Proposals have been written to the United Kingdom government requesting them to include the section of corporate social responsibility in the constitution so that the industries and businesses in general can be of a common good to all citizens. The government has not made it mandatory for companies to put into application the stakeholders theory but it highly recommends it for companies that want with the support of the society. The Clarkson theory talks about the stakeholders but in a different classification. This theory classifies them into two groups; the primary stakeholders and the secondary stakeholders. This theory says that the stakeholders to a company have different interests in the company that they are members to. This classification enables the firms to be in a better position to develop its policies and more so its reputation. The firms will also be able to meet the benefits which accrue to them economically. The shareholder or stockholder theory is about the people who have capital in the business. It says that the stockholders need to see that the profits generated by the company go to a good course such as charitable activities. These theories have supported the corporate social responsibility in many companies whether is it done in a formal way or not. These theories have acted as a key and eye opener to many companies because they have helped them understand the concept of giving back to the society as they seek to expand. Many businesses face the challenge of knowing who they should give support to. They are torn between the stakeholders and the stockholders. The stockholders according to these theories only want the companies to participate in corporate social responsibilities when the company has made enough profit that can cater for such responsibilities. The stockholders do not like it when the company offers corporate social responsibilities on the expense of the stockholders. The conflict thus is still there as the companies keep on defining their policies. The companies also face the challenge of how far they should extend their responsibilities because there are companies who start foundations and support them for a long time and there are others who donate funds to onetime events that occur. The theories all conclude with a form of business that the company should employ which allows them to become more responsible in how they do business. This theories have helped in sealing some of the gaps that exist in many companies which the business were finding hard to take care of because they were not conducting business in the right manner. Many companies forget that involving the customers in business is what makes them to seal the gaps in the economy and policies to companies. A comparative analysis of millennium hotels UK and the organizations that are highly socially responsible Globalization has in every way helped the hospitality industry to move forward and to help the society. They have helped in curbing inequalities that are experienced in the economy. The other organizations take a section of the profits that they have made in a particular financial year and give to an organization that help in offering of charitable activities. The markets in which the goods and services are being traded nowadays are local and hence this makes the private companies to become more obligated in offering corporate social responsibilities. The global market operate socially nowadays because with the availability of internet stakeholders have the ability to post comments about the hospitality industries and the various organizations that contribute to the society. Sometimes the corporate social responsibility helps to tap investors, because investors like to invest in organizations that are conducting business legally and give back to the society. The other organizations like the millennium hotels in the United Kingdom do a research on what the customers want and hence take effect if what the customers want is possible. So many investors have invested in the millennium hotels because they have shown stability which is justified by the management team that they have in place which gives the investors confidence. The way the millennium group of hotels in which run the business is so professional and hence the contribution in the social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibility revolves about delivering what is in the mission statements that companies have. The millennium hotels in the United Kingdom have clearly shown this because they are not involved in scandals that other hotels face in the hospitality industry when customers complain about services that were offered. The millennium hotels are willing to build on assets that are not tangible because they give returns after an extended time. They are also are not afraid to effect changes when it comes to the structures that they have in the organization. The other organizations face a lot scrutiny and delay when it comes to making changes that affect the management. The millennium hotels are at an advantage because all they have to do is create a good name through the services that they offer to the customers. They also have to intensively advertise the hotels so that many people can become aware. The millennium hotels have excellent booking services since they have offices in the airports and also have fantastic facilities for recreational. This way they help to create demand for the goods that are readily available. The other organizations contribute to the corporate social responsibilities by training the local residents and offering them job opportunities. They teach them to be entrepreneurs because relying on being employed leaves a very small room for innovation. They are known to be very sensitive when it comes to gender issues. They employ women who are situated in the rural areas of the United Kingdom and also consider the youths who are just out of college and are looking for jobs. Most important they employ the people who are not skilled who are mostly based areas that are remote. They consider such persons when hiring workers because they know that the chances of them getting employed in places like the millennium hotels are very rare. The millennium hotels are commended for being able to create job opportunities and to make wealth out of utilizing resources that are naturally and culturally held. The millennium hotels are concerned about the rising levels of poverty in some countries especially in Africa. Helping the society in order to reduce poverty is not concerned with the moral obligation that people have in the society. Countries that have high levels of poverty are said to pose insecurity in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry in the developing countries is reported to grow at an alarming rate and hence there needs to be improvements so that the tourist or guests feel secure in those countries. There are so many cases of tourist getting robbed and even getting murdered in foreign countries or even residents getting hurt while in local hotels . The millennium group of hotels offers tight security to their guests. The decline in the well being of societies that host some of the organizations makes the society think less of them. For those companies whose societies are well kept, the implication created is that the stakeholders are taken care of well. The millennium hotels are situated in very clean environments that guests would love to associate with. It is upon the government   to figure out   how the other organizations apart from the millennium hotels maintain cordial relationships with the stakeholders. The millennium hotels offer support to countries that are sometimes affected by war. International peace is very important for many businesses and not just the hospitality industry. There is a great need to have programmes that are run by organizations from various industries so that they can come up with the creation of funds that are global. These funds are used to set up foundations and the rules of conduct that companies should use to guide them. This way this can help in creating an economy that is sustainable with time. These foundations can be used to protect the eco- system among other things. The other organizations need to come with a better strategy on how they will be responding to some of the issues, that the community needs to be addressed. These foundations should funded by long term businesses that are going to be operational for a long time so that they can assist the community more. This way they can generate very huge profits following the support from the society. Corporate Social Responsibility will one day become compulsory for all the companies because the society is the backbone of the companies. The market forces continue to be stronger and thus making sure that every company is up to date with the current happenings in the world. The other organizations are so focused on making profits for themselves such that they forget about the societies. They often violate the business ethics and hence most the times embezzle the stockholders capital. Majority of managers in this organizations are not honest since most of the time they run the business in the way they feel they should and not on how the rules state. Majority of this organization leave such responsibilities to the government.

The Care Programme Approach And Its Impact Social Work Essay

The Care Programme Approach And Its Impact Social Work Essay This essay will outline and analyse the Care Programme Approach (CPA), a social policy which was introduced in England in 1991. it will critically analyse and evaluate how and why this policy (CPA) was introduced. In doing so, it will attempt to explore the social problems with which the policy was concerned, its ideological origins, its aims and its nature. Finally, this essay will assess the effects of the implementation of the CPA based on issues of access and outcome. What is social policy? According to one website Ive consulted: The name social policy is used to apply to the policies which governments use for welfare and social protection; to the ways in which welfare is developed in a society, and to the academic study of the subject. In the first sense, social policy is particularly concerned with social services and the welfare state. In the second, broader sense, it stands for a range of issues extending far beyond the actions of government the means by which welfare is promoted, and the social and economic conditions which shape the development of welfare. Social problems with which the policy (CPA) was concerned There are several social problems with which the CPA was concerned and some of them are: The 1984 murder of social worker Isabel Schwarz by a former mental health client as cited by Sharkey (2000) prompted a government inquiry that was led by Sir Roy Griffiths in 1988. His report Community Care: Agenda for Action was the forerunner to the National Health Service and Community Care Act of 1990 (NHSCCA) which sets out the foundation for present day Care Programme Approach in England. The care programme approach was also instigated by the Christopher Clunis unmet needs as noted by the Ritchie Report in 1999. The report criticised the demeaning failures of the health and social services to work together in relation to the needs of people with mental health problems and to protect the public. The emergence of advocates groups such as MIND, the Mental Health Foundation and Informal Carers pressure group in the 1980s were also major social factors that led to the development of the CPA (Mor ris (1993). Those groups raise fundamental civil liberty issues surrounding the legal rights of people returned back into the community from psychiatric hospital and the need for appropriate services. Another major concern according to Means and Smith (1998: p48) was the official report on Ely Hospital, Cardiff, which confirmed staff cruelty to patients at this mental handicap hospital. They argued that The level of media publicity generated by these incidents became so high that a policy response became inevitable (ibid). CPAs ideological origins There are several factors that affected the development and establishment of the Care Programme Approach (CPA). However, the key factors that influence the implementation of the CPA are: political, economic and social. From the earliest stages of the Poor Laws through to the present day social security system, political factors have influenced welfare provision. Like most other policies, the CPA emerge as a result of the conservatism New Right ideology of minimum state intervention, privatisation, the idea of justice and the emergence of global market forces. The conservative government lead by Margaret Thatcher from 1979 through to the 1990s believed, politically, in reducing the power of the local authority and local government with the notion that care in the community must increasingly mean care by the community (Lavalette and Pratt 1998: 237). Mrs Thatcher expressed the view that the sacrifices which the family and voluntary organizations have played in community care from the V ictorian era to present day should not be seen as second best or degrading. Her philosophy was built on the importance of mixed economy, choice and given power back to the users of services. Mrs Thatcher was politically concerned with the political structures of the local labour government and the need to give more power to the market forces (private sector) to energize the economy. The care programme approach policy was also partly motivated by economic factors. The New Political Right regards the free market as the best way forward for organising society. They believed that a competitive market and a mixed economy of welfare is vital in encouraging competition which inspires innovation and efficiency which will inevitable provide better and cheaper services than a nationalised and bureaucratised services. This was a move away from the accepted orthodoxy of the Keynesian economics which sees government intervention in the provision of social care as necessary for the stability of the economy. The mixed economy is therefore seen by the New Right as not only promoting equality and choice but also cost effective. Many believed that the political underlying principle of giving service users choice would cover up the huge spending on the uncoordinated health and social care budget. As a result, both health and social care services were forced to introduce financial and management systems in relation to the purchase of care. For example, social workers became care managers and the purchasers rather than the providers of care. Regarding social ideology concept, the major social ideology was that, people with mental health problems, were expected to be integrated back into the community with clear and structured care plans. The fatal attacks by dangerous mentally ill people such as Christopher Cluniss who was misdiagnosed and prematurely discharged then ended up killing an innocent person, were major social factors which affected the development of the CPA. The case of Clunis raised significant social issues of the risk and danger posed by people with mental health problems, especially those not receiving proper care. The case also raises major trans-cultural social issues in relation to the significant number of black men placed on supervision register. The aim of the policy The Care Programme Approach was introduced in order to provide a clear framework for the care of people with mental health problems outside hospital (Means and Smith1998: p156), which Thompson et al (2000:573) said this include: Systemic multidisciplinary assessment, planning, monitoring, and reviewing a care plan, the inclusion of users and carers in the formulation and delivering of care and identification of a lead person or key worker and that, all of this is undertaken within a framework that is flexible and responsive to the clients changing needs (ibid). Nature of the CPA According to Thompson et al (2000) the CPA was introduced in 1991 and is intended to be the cornerstone of the governments mental health policy. This process applies to all people that are experiencing severe mental health problems who are clients of mental health services, whether on an informal or formal basis. The policy outlined four stages which should be applied to all clients in all cases. The First stage is, to carry out an assessment based on the circumstances of the client, including any support needed by carers. Secondly, to negotiate the care package in agreement with the client, carers and relevant agencies that are designed to meet the identify need within available resources. The third stage is to implement and monitor the agreed package by the appointment of a key worker now known as care co-ordinator. The care co-ordinator is responsible for the assessment and planning process. He or she could be a mental health nurse, social worker or occupational therapist. The las t stage is, to review the outcomes of the care plan and if necessary undertake revision of services provided. The policy is based on person-centred approach and one that has been important for health and social care to develop integrated policies and procedures around models of assessment, diagnostic evaluation, integrated working relationships around care plans and monitoring people in care and community by means of integrated budgets. Whereas, practice under previous systems were not person-centred instead, they involved offering people limited number of inflexible choices which were more or less organised to meet requirements of service providers rather than the service users and their carers. With mental health placed in psychiatrist hospitals or prisons these residents are controlled and manipulated by those in charge. The effects of the CPA The policy helped services maintain contact with service users, stressed the need for service users involvement in decision making; ensures that there is coordination and communication between all the professionals that are involved in the assessment and delivery of the patients care needs, but failed to provide comprehensive co-ordinated care. This lead to several criticism been made about the policy for example, it has been criticised that working together often leads to role insecurity and role ambiguity, thus creating a major hindrance to working together. The policy has also been criticised for mostly being used for inpatients instead of people in the community. This was referenced by Sharkey (2000) as an important point citing the Christopher Clunis case due to the failure to offer culturally sensitive services to meet his needs and citing the example of Lavallette and Pratt (1998: 104) in which they commented that mental health policies and practice based upon white European, middle-class norms of behaviour can result in a system which does not understand that people from other cultural backgrounds may express symptoms of mental health or ill health in different ways. This is useful in enabling the understanding of how Christopher Clunis was failed by all the professionals who saw him. For example, Sharkey (2000: p83) refer to the Ritchie Report that A GP whom Clunis had visited had struck him off his list because he was abusive and threatening. The Mental Health Foundation carried out a recent studies which aim was for respondents to talk openly about their mental health issues in relation to employment. They sent out about 3,000 questionnaire and those who replied , 86% were white UK, 3% Black African Caribbean, 2% Black Asian and 4% were other European white including Irish. What the findings has shown is that ethnic minority are uncomfortable to talk about their mental health problems for fear of discrimination and oppression. They also highlighted 85% of those with long term severe mental health problems are unemployed. These can contribute to the stress and anxiety experienced by users, carers, friends and families. For example, living with someone with serious ongoing mental health problems can cause increased strain, worries and distress together with loss of friends and social contracts (example intimate relationships), social isolation (due to stigma attached) and difficulties in coping with particular symptoms. At the same time, the protection of the public from the risk of harm is of paramount importance because patients discharged without adequate supervision or the provision necessary to meet their housing, social and health needs would increase risk to themselves and members of the public as evident in the case of Christopher Clunis. The CPA has also been criticised as a policy that it is largely dominated by medical module of treatment and social issues are neglected by practitioners and this has been highlighted by Thompson (2009) that spirituality is very important component of a persons well-being and despite this concern, peoples spiritual needs are often seen to be neglected during treatment or in developing and managing care plans for day-to-day activities. In some cases, as noted by, a charity campaigning for mental health awareness, spirituality is even seen as a manifestation of the individuals psychosis or delusions by some members of society. Even though the polic y was introduced so that people with severe mental health problems could be assessed and assigned a care coordinator so they dont present a risk to themselves or the public, there have been some problems with users of services slipping through the net and ending up either homeless or causing ham to themselves or others (sometimes even committing fatal attacks). For example, Taylor (2010) wrote on the Metro Newspaper about a man with mental health problem who hadnt been offered treatment on several attempts ended up killing a pregnant woman. Conclusion Even though this policy has helped people with severe mental health issues to be integrated well into the community and live supported or independent lives, some people with mental health problems are still seen by the policy makers as a burden and stigmatised as a threat to the community. They are routinely being denied the human rights of freedom of movement, family life, and equal access to paid jobs and adequate financial support which may then lead to homelessness and readmission in institutional care.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Deviant Behavior Essay -- essays research papers

DEVIANT BEHAVIOR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just about everyone has done something that someone else disapproves of. In fact, almost all of us have done something we ourselves have reservations or second thoughts about. Perhaps we’ve stolen something, or told a lie, or gossiped about another person in an especially nasty way. Maybe on occasion we’ve gotten drunk, of high, or driven too fast, or recklessly. Have we ever worn clothes that someone else thought was out of style, offensive, or ugly? Have we belched at the dinner table, or did we ever break pick our nose in public? Maybe we failed to show up for an important class or read a crucial assignment, or permitted our eyes to wonder onto a neighbor’s answers during an exam. Do we like a television program that someone else finds stupid and boring? Didn’t we once date someone our parents and friends didn’t like? Maybe our religious beliefs and practices don’t agree with those of some other members of our society; it could be that they would regard us as too religious or not religious enough. For some people we may be too liberal, too conservative, or too much of a loser. Does someone else consider us too short or tall, too plain of exotic, to thin or heavy, too dark or to light skinned? The number of possible ways that what we believe, or do or are, could be judged negatively by others is infinite.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This means that almost any action or characteristic we could do or think of is approved in some social circles and condemned in others. Almost inevitably, we depart or deviate from someone’s rules, simply by acting or being ourselves, since we can’t conform to all the different sets of rules that exist. Sociologists refer to behavior that is regarded as wrongdoing that generates negative reactions in persons who witness or hear about it, as deviant behavior. Many definitions of deviant behavior exist. In the book titled Deviant Behavior by Alex Thio he states that there are many conflicting definitions for deviant behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many theories about how the world came to be, was it the big band, evolution or creation? Well just like there are many different theories for this category, there are also different theories to the cause and origin of deviant behavior. I will mention a few and give a brief definition on what they state. Strain theo... ... with another person that thinks totally the opposite from us makes us weird, different, deviant in there eyes. Who are we to say what deviance really is? Maybe there is a lady who killed her children because she thought it was the right things to do because she lives in a third world country and her children were starting to die of huger and thirst. Maybe there is a teenager who goes to school gets perfect grades and works part time and wastes all his money on drugs and in prostitutes. Maybe there is a man who worships God every single second of his life and he will not talk about anything else but God. He has no eyes or ears for anything else but God that’s all he talks about and he refuses to talk about anything else. So my question is which of these persons is considered deviant? Is it the lady who killed her children, the adolescent who gets perfect grades, but is involved in drugs and prostitution, or is it the man who is obsessed by God and won’t talk of list en to anything unless its about God? Maybe the answer to this question may never be answered, because we all have our different opinions on the causes and the origin of deviant behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Friday, July 19, 2019

Light and Dark Imagery in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay examp

Light and Dark Imagery in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a novel about a man named Marlow and his journey into the depths of the African Congo. Marlow is in search of a man named Kurtz, an ivory trader. Though Marlow?s physical journey seems rather simple, it takes him further into his own heart and soul than into the Congo. The setting, symbols and characters each contain light and dark images, these images shape the central theme of the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conrad uses light and dark imagery to help create the setting for the story; light represents civilization while darkness suggests the uncivilized. The novel opens on the deck of a boat called the Nellie, as we are introduced to the passengers we are told how the sun is slowly fading, and soon darkness will engulf the area. This image is Conrad?s first use of light and darkness; he uses it to foreshadow the ultimate darkness Marlow will face. Conrad is warning his readers to be careful, lest they let down their guard and allow the darkness to come them. The other character in the book, Kurtz, is taken over by the evil embodied in the darkness. During Kurtz?s journey into the heart of darkness the isolation, darkness and power all made him lose control of himself and allowed the darkness to take over.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every aspect in Conrad?s book has a deep meaning, which can then be linked to the light and dark imagery. In the novel there are two rivers, the Thames and the Congo. The...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Appeal of Television Chat Shows Essay -- TV Media Papers

The Appeal of Television Chat Shows Chat shows are a very popular and successful modern day television program. Why? It is probably because as humans we are naturally nosey and curious about the lifestyles of others, especially those of the rich and famous. It is this common characteristic that makes the neighbors peep through the curtains to see what the Jones' are up to next, the reason that village gossip spreads so quickly and the cause of the growing number of reality television programs. Whether we admit or not, many have a fascination with those in the public eye. We want to know about their secret to success, the skeletons in their closet and if they really are human like the rest of us. When this curiosity is applied to heroes, idols and people that others look up to and want to be like, that is when the appeal of chat shows is brought to life. Chat shows are the ultimate way of finding out the truth about celebrities not from badly taken paparazzi photos or twisted quotes in magazines but from the celebrity themself. Chat shows are not just popular with the public but also with the celebrities. It is a great way of advertising themselves if they have a new film or book out for instance. Another example is if they have had a lot of bad press recently, maybe over a crime they have committed. The celebrity may appear on a popular chat show to win back the sympathy and popularity of the public. Chat shows are sometimes confused with talk shows but are very different in the style they are run. Chat shows are interviews with celebrities and are considered more promotional television whereas talk shows are basically public ... Merton who is an old lady is actually a young woman dressed up as on old age pensioner. She cracks jokes to the audience about false hips and dentures and northern accent and dialect add to the humour. I have established that chat shows are very popular and that the appeal from them is becoming more than just the guests. This is because chat shows have turned from just the basic interview to a programme with characters (The Ali G Show) audience participation, for example anecdotes or games (Graham Norton) and performances and humour (The Kumars at Number 42). Entertainment is getting harder to fulfill as each show has to bring something new to appeal and compete with other chat shows to gain and maintain its audience however the base for any chat show will always remain the celebrities that appear on the show.

Internal Entrepreneurship at the Dow Chemical

The Dow Chemical Company was a leader company in science and technology, offering plastic and agriculture products in 2002. However, from 1995, Dow Chemical Company had ever lost its profit for several years especially in 1998. Dow Chemical Company tried to stop the decreasing so that it launched an initiative ‘E-epoxy. com venture’ in 2000. The purpose of this project was earning more small customers and spot market customers to increase the market shares. STRENGTH 1. Epoxy was a specialty, high margin business. The top 20% of its global customers have generated 80% of its revenue.Dow Chemical Company can take this advantage to expand the business oversea. 2. Epoxy was a creative online channel in the market. It was very convince for not only local customers but also global customers to purchase products online without calling or faxing. 3. Dow Chemical Company would be the first mover using online system to process the orders. Moreover, the cost of launching this onlin e system was not expensive. Using this system could lead Dow Chemical Company to the head position in electronic marketplace and ahead of other traditional competitors. . It was more flexible for managers to use online system to attract more customers. For example, Telford can provide promotion code to some particular customers via E-mail. Some customers might feel interesting and order products on E-epoxy. com because of special price. 5. Telford is an experienced employee who has worked in Dow Chemical Company for many years. He has exceptional ability to understand stakeholders’ thought and was aggressive to operate Epoxy project. WEAKNESS 1.Although customers can order products online, Dow Chemical Company still needed to contact with customers to clarify and confirm the order sometimes. It would increase the labor cost and decrease the order process efficiency. 2. Capacity utilization was a problem as well. The capacities of epoxy were in the range of 30 ktpa to over 100 ktpa. Dow Chemical Company has not enough capacities to fit the needs of new customers in the future. 3. The product price should be clear on the website. However, it might be inappropriate because Dow Chemical Company always changes the price according to different customers.Price transparency would potentially limit sales’ negotiating ability. 4. Telford wanted to charge distributors higher price because of other service such as a wide product palette and technical assistance. It might make Dow Chemical Company lose some distributor customers. 5. The E-epoxy. com was available everywhere. However, the language problem and currency problems were still need to be solved. For instance, Brazil didn’t allow Dow Chemical Company using US dollars as currency on the website. OPPORTUNITY 1. With new sales tool–E-epoxy. om, Dow Chemical Company has opportunity to expand its business globally. Dow Chemical Company could earn more market shares by this low-cost and effic iency online tool. 2. In order to fit increasing demand in the future, Dow Chemical Company needs to build its capacity utilization. It might be a chance for Dow Chemical Company to be the top huge company because of abundant production ability. 3. Smaller customers had less ability to negotiate the price with distributor. Distributors might charge them much price than ordering products from Dow Chemical Company directly.Smaller customers might love to order products online due to cost down. THREAT 1. The regulations of foreign government might change in the future. As the problems Dow Chemical Company faced in Brazil, Brazil didn’t allow Dow Chemical Company to use US dollars on the website. Other countries’ government might also change the policy like tax increasing or currency change and it might threaten Dow Chemical Company a lot. 2. In order to do something dramatic to push home the importance of his venture, Telford started a rumor via E-mail in the market.Altho ugh no one really condemned this event, that didn’t mean nobody would argue on day. Telford created a potential bomb for company. 3. Dow Chemical Company has less experience to manage website. Dow Chemical Company might waste money in a wrong way to operate E-epoxy. com. However, other competitors can learn Dow Chemical Company’s experience and avoid failure in the market. RECOMMEDATION 1. Dow Chemical Company needs to improve its website day by day to fit customers’ new needs. Moreover, Dow Chemical Company can build up other service at the same time.For example, Dow Chemical Company can mimic what it did on EpiCenter. Dow Chemical Company can create a specific contact phone number for customers to contact with sales immediately. Customers can get information from website or phone service. 2. Dow Chemical Company could offer more discounts on the website to inspire the sales. If Dow Chemical Company want to higher the price for distributors, Dow Chemical Compan y should offer something new and only available for distributors to attract them make orders. .Dow Chemical Company needs a well-organized strategy group for incoming international business. Because of the cultural difference, local currency, different language, and different consumer behavior, Dow Chemical Company should have a professional team to deal with country differences. For instance, the team members should have rich foreign working experience and ability to speak in foreign language. It would be helpful for Dow Chemical Company to enter global market.